Kingdom Krew Summer Day Camp
Summer day camp is geared for ages 5-12 years. Children are grouped by age for most structured activities and indoor play. The first and last hour of the day kids are together during drop off and pick up time. With the exception of field trip days, children may get dropped off and picked up at any time, and may leave and then return.
While on campus, children will be encouraged to participate in a variety of activities. These include sports, games, dance, snack crafts, art, Lego building, to name some. Outdoor play leaves much room for creativity. There are many sport options like hockey, Ga-Ga ball, and field games. Indoor hands-on projects include weaving, painting, building, and board games.
Weekly, one day is centered around outdoor water games and blow-up water features. The goal is to stay cool and get messy! Fun with food games is followed by washing off with sprinklers, water balloons and squirters.
Each week children will attend a field trip to a variety of local attractions. Often lunch is eaten at the field trip location.
The week ends with a dress-up theme and rotating family events. Activities are centered around the weekly theme. Parents are invited to join in on event days to participate in the fun!
June 16 - August 15, 2025
Summer Day Camp Financial Policy (click here)
Program is open from 8 am - 6 pm
Ages - Completed School Age TK/K to 12 years old
Snacks are provided twice a day, child brings own lunch
Registration Fee $75
Tuition $395 per Week
Summer New Camper Forms (click here)
Summer Day Camp Details (click here)